After 20 Years of Deceased, Now the Sea Sand Export Regulations are “Alive Again”

In line with PP 26/2023, the government claims this policy is a step to manage marine resources in a sustainable manner.

Jakarta — The government carries out greenwashing practices by serving the oligarchs under the pretext of environmental restoration and sustainability. It is deeply regretted. When people voice real action to save the environment, the government returns to offer false solutions, as quoted from the press release, Saturday 3 June.

The Indonesian government in the era of Megawati Soekarnoputri had banned the export of sea sand. In February 2003, a Joint Decree of the Minister of Industry and Trade, the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries and the Minister of the Environment issued a Joint Decree which regulated this matter. At that time, the SKB was made to prevent environmental damage in the form of the sinking of small islands in the Riau Archipelago due to sea sand mining.

in an email addressed to the editorial team at it was stated, because it only prohibits the export of sea sand, since the SKB was issued sea sand mining activities have continued to occur in Indonesia – one of them in South Sulawesi. For the sake of a national strategic project, various natural damages and socio-economic losses occurred on Kodingareng Island, Makassar. These findings were revealed in a report entitled “Panraki Pa’boya-Boyangang: National Strategic Project Oligarchy and Damage to the Spermonde Sea” for 2020. This report was prepared by Greenpeace Indonesia together with a number of other civil society organizations that are members of the Save Spermonde Coalition.

“PP 26/2023 adds to the government’s poor record in handling the maritime sector. The government is unable to manage marine resources intelligently, so it often takes shortcuts to increase state revenues through extractive methods like this. What’s worse, this kind of policy may be taken without careful study and ignores ecological aspects and human rights,” Afdillah concluded.

Earlier this year, the government issued a similar policy, namely Government Regulation Number 11 of 2023 (PP 11/2023) concerning Measured Catches of Fish (PIT).

In line with PP 26/2023, the government claims this policy is a step to manage marine resources in a sustainable manner. However, Greenpeace Indonesia and other civil society organizations think otherwise – the PIT policy is a “trick” by the government to further enrich the oligarchy and increase Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) from the fisheries sector. (***)

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